How Chris lost 10kgs and 13% body fat in time for his 60th birthday

Chris Southgate has diet success with Coach Joseph Webb


Chris Southgate is an analytical guy, so when he decided to get in shape for his 60th, he knew the maths of fat loss wouldn’t pose a problem.

But losing fat and gaining muscle isn’t always straightforward.

Here’s how we came up with an individual formula that worked for Chris.

When Chris married his wife Alison in 2004, he was in good shape.

But over the years the weight crept on as kids, career, and finally lockdown challenged his healthy habits.

“My 60th birthday was a year away and I knew it would be much harder to get in shape in my 60s,” he said.

“I wanted to get in shape for my kids, my wife, and my health, and felt ready to get started – I just didn’t have a clue what to do.”

When Chris contacted me, he weighed 93kg and felt it was now or never.

Like so many of my clients, he had been eating pretty healthy meals, but hadn’t been paying attention to the smaller details and daily habits that make a huge difference.

Understanding the human body

Chris had started working with a client who was creating an advanced AI health platform.

This deep-dive into biometrics and human physiology, combined with his existing love of data, meant Chris was keen to gather his own metrics and finally understand what they meant.

“I was already active and eating healthy food,” he said.

“My main problem was paying attention to the details, and being consistent”

“Joe’s programme helped me understand the science of fat loss, and kept me accountable.”

I created a training and nutrition plan that worked around Chris’s busy home life and demanding career, helping him carve out the time to make his health a priority.

We changed his habits slowly and incrementally, modifying as the months went on.

“I loved Joe’s approach to habit change,” said Chris.

“It’s realistic and totally sustainable, which is vital when you have a family, a job, and a social life.”

Busting the weight loss plateau

Chris lost the first 10kgs, then things started to slow down.

This prompted us to revisit his strategies and make small adjustments to keep the fat loss going.

“I was doing my own research, speaking with experts through work, and feeding all this back to Joe during our coaching conversations,” he said.

“I really appreciate how well-versed Joe is in how the body works, he is constantly doing his research and this approach is perfect for me.”

Chris’s transformation in numbers

Chris hit his 60th birthday goal with time to spare.

He went from 93kgs to under 83kgs, and 29.1% down to 16% bodyfat.

– 4.5 inches off waist

– 6 inches off hips

– 3 inches off chest

Long-term coaching for lifelong results

The majority of Chris’s results happened in the first 12 weeks of his coaching, so why did he work with me for nearly a year?

He saw the value of fine-tuning his new habits, learning more about his body, and optimising a long-term sustainable approach.

“Joe and I are on the same page and have a lot of respect each other,” said Chris.

“He’s got a fantastic personality for coaching and I knew working with him for a year would be extremely valuable.”

Chris is now in amazing shape, and feels much more comfortable about food choices and healthy habits.

“We’ve changed the way we eat as a family,” he said.

“We don’t think of it as eating and exercising – we’re just living.”

Congratulations on transforming your health Chris,

Coach Joseph Webb.

‘The number one rated Personal Trainer In Henley and Oxfordshire’

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