The 10 commandments of fat loss

A light-hearted look at the most fundamental elements of losing body fat

Every success story has a set of principles at its foundation. Today I thought I’d look at fat loss. What are the guiding truths of losing body fat so you look and feel better?

A calorie deficit (the “gap” between calorie intake and calorie output) is fundamental to fat loss. It simply can’t happen without a calorie deficit. This means either eating less than you expend, or expending more than you take in. Or a bit of both – by slightly reducing your food and drink intake and slightly increasing your activity levels.

A calorie deficit is key, but there is no one-size-fits all way to achieve it. You could work to a meal plan, eat the same meals every day, track your calories in an app, weigh your food, or none of these. The method doesn’t matter, the deficit does.

Fat loss is much quicker and easier when you eat mostly “real” foods. This means things that grow in the ground (fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, root vegetables, grains, pulses, peas, beans) and animal protein if you so choose. Why? These unprocessed foods are higher in nutrients and better for your health.

Any approach to fat loss has to fit in with your lifestyle. It’s pointless aiming for “perfection” (or for someone else’s plan) if you can’t actually stick to it. My advice? Aim for an 80/20 balance of those real, nutrient dense foods (with the 20% coming from “a bit of what you like”).

Carbohydrates are not a barrier to fat loss. In fact, they are the body’s favourite source of energy. Just make sure most of your carbohydrates come from high-fibre food choices like vegetables, beans, lentils, pulses, and wholegrains including rice and oats. This helps with fullness and digestion.

If you’re not eating some protein at every meal or snack, and if your protein is coming in at under 100g a day, that’s not enough. Protein is key to fat loss. It has a higher TEF (thermic effect of food) than carbohydrate or fat, so uses more calories to digest. It keeps you feeling fuller. And it helps build up your metabolism.

Some sort of resistance training is crucial for healthy fat loss. Note I don’t say weight training. Yes, you can lift weights, but resistance training could also be yoga, bodyweight exercises, or use of kettlebells or other functional kit. Building a bit of muscle increases your BMR (basal metabolic rate) so you burn more calories. Muscle tissue is hungry tissue – and it makes you look great!

70% of the human body is water, and it doesn’t take much for dehydration to have a noticeable impact on your energy, tiredness, and ability to think clearly. Get into the habit of drinking at least 2 litres of water a day. Start in the morning and carry a water bottle with you. Water helps fat loss by aiding digestion and making you feel more energised for exercise.

Fat loss isn’t all about food and movement. Sleep plays a big part in your food choices, activity levels, and even on your total calorie intake the next day. A February 2022 study from University of Chicago took a group of people who sleep less than 6.5 hours a night and split the group. Half were the control group and half got an extra hour of sleep per night. The second group ate on average 270 cals less per day. (1)

Rome wasn’t built in a day and fat loss takes time. But the time will pass anyway, so wouldn’t you rather make steady progress by using that time wisely? Consistency is key. Put a plan in place that includes these guidelines and fits in with your lifestyle, then stick with it day after day. Results will come!

I hope you found this light-hearted approach to fat loss principles useful and entertaining!

If you would like some 1-on-1 support with creating a fat loss framework that fits your schedule, get in touch to talk about my VIP online coaching.

Coach Joseph Webb.

‘The number one rated Personal Trainer In Henley and Oxfordshire’

References used in todays blog:


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