Bethan Davies is a fun, outgoing young woman with plenty of friends, and a great job in PR. She’s the kind of person people love to be around (and some secretly envy).
But for years, Bethan’s sunny exterior hid the truth. Because Bethan often felt anxious, and not good enough. She suffered from panic attacks and insomnia. On her toughest days, she’d hide away and do the only thing which seemed to help… eat.
This Is The Story Of How Bethan Lost Weight…And Gained Something Unexpected
“Before I did the 12-week transformation programme, I was in a bad way,” said Bethan.
“I lived a very sedentary lifestyle, I wasn’t doing any exercise and I comfort ate several times a week. I suppose I assumed things would improve at some point, although I had no idea how!”
The Point Of No Return
Bethan had reached a really low point. Exhaustion, stress, and zero motivation sapped her of any energy.
Deep down, she knew she had to tackle her deep rooted issues.
But after rebounding from a previous diet, she was nervous of trying again.
“I’d lost weight to be a bridesmaid” said Bethan. “But I was frustrated that I had put the weight back on. I knew I could do it, but the PT who had helped me didn’t tell me how to keep it off.”
For a couple of years, Bethan had been muddling through, barely keeping her stress levels under control.
Low Activity + Poor Nutrition Habits = Low Self Esteem
Her eating habits led to really bad self-esteem, which sometimes turned into full-blown panic attacks. She was constantly tired and down, and feeling more and more reclusive.
Last year, after she turned 30, everything came to a head.
Bethan Knew Enough Was Enough.
“I’d been at home all day with a hangover,” she explained. “I suddenly realised what a bad place I was in. This wasn’t going to get better by itself. I needed help.”
Two days later, Bethan reached out to us and started on her 12-week transformation journey.
Getting fit and healthy was never about a specific weight or dress size for Bethan.
Although she did have a couple of very personal goals, like being able to walk into a clothes store and try on anything that caught her eye!
“I wanted to just feel…normal,” she said. “Healthy, and happy, rather than feeling like food was controlling me. I’d always been “the biggest one” in my friendship groups.
I didn’t want that to be my identity any more.”
For Bethan, getting in shape was all about what she didn’t want to hear any more.
Perhaps you know what she means. What are the labels you’re sick of hearing from other people… or from yourself?
Time To Change Thing For Good
Once she’d made the decision to start, Bethan was excited, but a bit nervous, too.
“I’ve never been a sporty type,” she said.
“I put a lot of pressure on myself, I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to do it and was scared of failing. But my first session with Coach Joseph Webb put me at ease.”
The minute she started, Bethan says that she knew it was the right thing to do.
“Everyone was so lovely,” she said. “They made me laugh and put me at ease – it was always such a supportive atmosphere.
At last, I knew I’d made the right decision for myself. It was an incredible feeling after being down on myself for so long.”
Just Look At These Results
So let’s get down to the nitty-gritty of Bethan’s transformation.
In Her First 12 Weeks…
>Lost 20lbs
>Shed 4.5% body fat
>Dropped 6 dress sizes (from a 20 to a 14)
But That’s Not All…
“I had two weeks off over Christmas and life was so different!” she said.
“The old me would have eaten (and drunk!) my way through Christmas and New Year, hiding behind the food and feeling really miserable.
This time, I enjoyed a few drinks but didn’t have one single hangover.
And I didn’t restrict food at all, but naturally found myself wanting to eat smaller portions, make better choices, and just enjoy a few treats rather than eating everything in sight.
It really was a revelation. I’d never felt like this over Christmas before!”
After Christmas, Bethan returned to us for another 12 weeks.
“The First 12-Week Transformation Had Taught Me So Much. Exercising And Eating Well Have Become My New Normal, And That’s Exactly What I Had Wanted”
‘’I feel so happy and at peace with food now. I really wish I’d done this years ago”.
”But there’s no point regretting anything. I’m just happy I’ve done it! Life is very different now and I couldn’t be happier.”
How The Transformation Changed Everyday Life For Bethan
“I wake up feeling happy,” said Beth.
“I train at 6am three days a week (and I never thought I’d be saying that!) and I actually look forward to it. And on the days I don’t train, I still have an urge to eat healthily.
”This Is My achievement, And I Don’t Want To Undo It. I’m Proud Of Myself”
“The change in my mindset has surprised me more than the change in my body. I was never a gym person – in fact I found it intimidating. But being motivated isn’t a question any more. It’s part of who I am, and I love that.
“This is not about the extremes of weight loss, like yo-yo dieting, that I’d always gone through before. It’s about mastering the day-to-day stuff, being calm and in control. I listen to my body now. Finishing a plate of food is no longer the outcome of every meal!
“My previous experiences of working with Personal Trainers left clueless about how to carry on by myself. This time wasn’t a quick fix. Coach Joseph Webb have shown me how to live this healthy, active lifestyle for the long-term.”
What Is Life Like Now For Bethan?
Losing weight and falling in love with 6am workouts was just the start. The entire experience has had a knock on effect on her job, social life, and relationships.
“My self confidence and happiness has improved so much,” she said. “It’s not just about going to the gym for an hour, it becomes about how you carry yourself through life.
‘’I don’t hide myself away at home any more. I’m going on dates, saving for a house deposit, getting my finances in order. Who would have thought that losing weight would help me address the big issues in life?”
Those Closest To Bethan Have Noticed The Change, Too
“My Mum said she’s noticed that my moods are much more even,” she said.
“My friends are proud of me for becoming so happy. It’s nice to be proud of something you’ve done. I’m confident to present myself in situations. My panic attacks have gone – if I am worried about anything now, I know I can control some of it (and I let the rest go). After all, if I can control my weight, I can control anything!”
And yes… she’s bought a few new things from her favourite shops!
7 Things Bethan Learned
>> Training at 6am can be fun!
>> Healthy eating can be creative
>> The power of endorphins is real
>> It’s never too late to change how you view yourself
>> Setting goals and achieving them is empowering
>> Sorting my weight and fitness has helped me feel positive
>> I am capable of more than I thought
If you feel stuck in a rut and want to change your relationship with food and exercise, do what Bethan did – get in touch today.
Your in health and happiness,
Coach Joseph Webb.
‘The number one rated Personal Trainer In Henley and Oxfordshire’