Stuck in a bad place?
Lost your motivation?
Try this bad-mood-banishing technique (it works every time)…
I’m in the business of galvanising people to make massive, life-changing transformations in their lives – changing their bodies, overhauling their health and fitness, improving their relationships or redirecting the trajectory of their professional lives.
One thing I’ve noticed is that everyone is fired up at the start of the transformation process.
People might feel a bit scared or a little uncertain, but they never lack motivation!
But what happens when the fire dies down after a few weeks or months?
Don’t Rely On Will-Power
I have a number of clever tricks I teach my coaching clients.
This one works on those “slump” days, when your mindset is working against you and threatens to keep you stuck in old, negative habits.
Next time your mind is trying to tell you that you can’t do it, or it will take too long, or you’ll never make it… kick that negativity out of your life. Try this!
5 Steps To Change Your Mindset FAST
1: Bring to mind the thing you need to do (do a gym workout, eat a healthy meal, whatever is it)
2: Let your mind tell the lies (why you “can’t do it”, or why you “will fail” or why “you never succeed”…)
3: Now bring to mind vivid examples of times you have been a success and done well. Hold these memories and thoughts.
4: Make them more vivid by remembering colours, sounds, smells, and how you felt.
5: Layer the positive memory over the false chatter of your negative brain.
Then take action whilst you are riding the wave of this positive mindset.
The mind can’t focus on two things at once, so if you do this exercise it will change your stat.
Success builds success…. Do it once, and you can do it again. Before you know it, success will be a habit!
For more mindset tips, follow me on Instagram. If you want help transforming your life, get in touch.