You already know how important sleep is to your health, mood, productivity and much more. And you also know when you’re not getting enough of it.
For most people, a few simple lifestyle adjustments can drastically improve the duration and quality of their sleep. We’re not talking about expensive supplements or unrealistic bedtimes.
Check out these 7 simple tips that will help you get at least 30 minutes more sleep per night. Doesn’t that sound good?
1. Set yourself up for success
Are you actually giving yourself enough time for a good night’s sleep? Work backwards from when you need to get up. Go to bed at least 8 hours before that (ideally more) so you can get your 7-9 hours of sleep and not feel rushed. There’s nothing worse than climbing into bed knowing the alarm will go off in under 6 hours…
2. Stop eating and drinking 2 hours before bed
Your body can’t sleep well if it’s also trying to digest food. Give it a helping hand by leaving a 2 hour buffer between your last food/drink and bedtime. That way, the digestive process will have finished and your body can focus on falling asleep.
3. Eat a balanced diet
A healthy balanced diet will help you sleep better, partly because you’ll be getting all the micronutrients your body needs to sleep well, and partly because your body won’t be struggling to digest a lot of sugar and processed foods. A balanced diet means protein, carbohydrates, some healthy fats, and fibre, mostly from natural wholefood sources.
4. No caffeine after 12pm
Caffeine is an active compound that has a half-life of 5 hours, so cut all caffeine at least 5 hours before you want to start winding down. Personally I’d recommend cutting it out 8 or 9 hours before. It can really affect the quality of your sleep.
5. Have an active day
Try to be active so your body and mind are actually tired by the time you climb into bed. I’m not suggesting that you run yourself into the ground 7 days a week. But if you do a bit of exercise, go for a walk, spend time outside, and generally do more than collapse on the sofa after work, you’ll notice a difference.
6. Clear your mind
Do you struggle to sleep because your mind is racing with thoughts of what to do tomorrow, things you didn’t get done today, and general worries? Whether you suffer with chronic anxiety or short-term stress, it can really impact your sleep. Grab pen and paper and write it all down. You might choose to formally journal, or just scribble it on the back of an envelope. The method doesn’t matter – the act of writing it out by hand does.
7. Ear plugs, eye mask
Our environments are noisier and brighter than ever, and blackout blinds can only do so much. Here’s a cheaper solution that can also travel with you: ear plugs and an eye mask. There are lots to choose from, including (so my female clients tell me) lovely silky eye masks that promise to look after your hair! The point is, blocking light and muffling noise will really help you sleep.
Bonus 8. A tower fan
I’ve added a bonus tip for this hot and humid weather. Invest in a good tower fan for your bedroom. Blast it on its highest mode whist you’re getting ready for bed, and then set it to sleep/quiet mode overnight. The cool air and gentle white noise will help your body get comfortable.
Do you want to optimise all areas of your life to improve your health and performance? Drop me a line and let’s talk about my 1-2-1 transformation coaching.
‘The number one rated Personal Trainer In Henley and Oxfordshire’