Annie and her husband Brad were like so many other couples you know – content, in love, happily bringing up their two children. Until one awful day in 2019 when Brad had a split-second accident and Annie’s life was turned upside down by tragedy.
This is the story of how Annie reached out and regained control of her life, and is now using her new-found fitness to raise money for charities close to her heart.
Like many Mums, Annie had put her fitness and wellbeing on the back burner. She’d been sporty, and knew a bit about healthy eating, but continued to eat like an athlete when her activity levels dropped. As a result, she was heavier than she wanted to be. But none of that really mattered when her husband was alive.
When Brad died, her health and fitness understandably took a back seat. Annie was simply trying to keep her head above water. Later that same year, she had some challenging health issues (including an emergency hysterectomy) which meant the topic of fitness was even further from her mind.
In early 2020, Annie and her children moved house. Her sister-in-law took a photo of the family standing outside their new front door, and what Annie saw shocked her.
“I didn’t just look overweight,” she said. “I look utterly broken. I knew then that I had to get help, if not for me then for my children. I owed it to them to get healthy so I would be around as they grew up.”
A couple of Annie’s friends had worked with me, and they suggested she get in touch to talk about personal coaching. What happened next transformed Annie’s life and helped her put the pieces back together.
“When you’re as big as I was, it’s difficult to reach out,” explained Annie “I was scared of being judged. Joe is no ordinary fitness trainer. He really listened, and put me at complete ease. For the first time since I lost my husband, I believed I could get my life back on track. Joe gave me ownership and control, and made it clear he was there to support me every step of the way.”
Annie had been a team sports player before she had children, and we approached her health and fitness transformation as a team. I wasn’t in charge – she was – but I was on her side. I provided the expert training plans, the advice, guidance and motivation. But Annie had the wheel.
She was up against some big challenges, including grief and shock, thyroid issues, back surgery, and hormones. But nothing was too big for us to overcome. Bit by bit, we worked together on Annie’s strength and fitness and food intake. And the weight came off.
Annie had a sporty background, and is a qualified chef. Her biggest challenge was portion control. I helped her understand how much she should be eating, and how to choose healthier foods to lose weight without being hungry.
“Joe never told me what I can’t have or can’t do,” she said. “It was all about positive changes. He gave me the skills and confidence to eat in a way that supported weight loss and a healthier lifestyle.”
For Annie’s training, we had to work around her previous back surgeries and other health issues. Annie’s strong personality meant she always wanted to do more, so I helped teach her the value of slow steady progress. In two years working together, she has never had any injury or niggle.
Annie started to lose weight and shape up very quickly, but the most significant changes were happening inside. She went from someone who was broken on all levels, to a woman who is positive, outgoing, and admirably ambitious.
“Joe is so much more than a personal trainer,” she said. “He changes your mental health. Joe has given me structure, stability and confidence so I can give my kids what they need. I couldn’t have done it without him.”
Annie is unrecognisable from when we started working together, but this is just the beginning. She’s lost 31kgs, swum the distance of the English Channel in open water, and completed the 100km Thames Path challenge.
She will be raising money for various charities for 10 years – to match the length of time she and Brad were married – using her new-found physical and mental fitness to take on the challenges.
“I can’t quite believe I’ve completed a 100km walk and ultra long-distance swims!” she said. “The old me couldn’t even have tried. Joe got me in the right place for all these challenges, both physically and mentally. I thought my whole life had changed once before, but working with Joe has shown me that it can change again for the better.”
I hope you enjoyed reading Annies incredible story! She really is an amazing human being.
Want results like Annie? Get in touch today to see how we can help!
Coach Joseph Webb.
‘The number one rated Personal Trainer In Henley and Oxfordshire’