It’s no surprise that high-intensity interval training is so popular with busy people.
HIIT gets it done – fast. A good HIIT session can burn calories, work your muscles, improve cardiovascular health AND boost your mood in less than 30 minutes.
So How Do You Know What To Do In A HIIT Session?
After all, you don’t want to waste time when you’re up against a packed schedule.
We’re experts in designing HIIT sessions that give our clients everything they want and need.
And today we’re going to share that know-how with you.
HIIT training sessions can be as simple or as complex as you like.
You can – if you want – use treadmills, rowing machines, or stationary bikes for the cardio aspects, along with barbells or kettlebells for weight training.
You could even introduce kit like sandbags for resistance training.
But today we’ll talk about designing a HIIT session which uses bodyweight exercises.
That way, you can quickly design yourself a great training session wherever you are.
No kit, no specialist gym…just you and your body.
You’ll notice that our simple HIIT session template will keep your heartrate high as it shifts the work between upper and lower body.
Each session will include cardio conditioning, strength, and power, and also work on your postural muscles.
Get ready to create your own HIIT sessions with this mix-and-match template.
What You Need
Enough space to jump vertically and horizontally.
A mat if you want (not necessary)
What You Don’t Need
A gym
Any fitness kit like barbells or weights
A training partner or Personal Trainer
Where You Can Do The Sessions
At home
In the garden
In a park
On holiday or away with work (hotel room)
In the gym
How Long Will They Take?
30 minutes max!
What Should A Good HIIT Session Consist Of?
#1 Functional Movements
HIIT training sessions are designed around functional movements which mimic the way your body moves in everyday lift.
Squatting, pushing, pressing, lifting, carrying, moving things overhead.
These movements use several muscle groups, and help you get stronger and more dynamic outside of your training sessions.
#2 Variety
A HIIT session will be built around certain principles, but the choice of exercises can vary loads depending on the kit you have available, how proficient you are, and of course your imagination!
This stops you getting bored and will help avoid progress plateaus.
#3 Strength Training And Conditioning
Because HIIT is short and fast, you can get a lot done in less than 30 minutes.
By designing a clever circuit, you will be able to train your upper and lower body, use strength training, cardiovascular work, and conditioning exercises.
HIIT really is an all-round workout.
Design Your Own HIIT Session
Choose one move from each category (5 total)
Do each choice of exercise in order with no rest between exercises
Take 30-60 seconds rest between rounds (after exercise E and before exercise A)
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes
Stage 2: once you’ve mastered this, you could choose different exercises for rounds 1, 3, 5 and 2, 4, 6 (etc).
A (upper body): 15 push ups (on feet or knees, hands shoulder width apart), 15 wide pushups (hands a little further apart), or 10 triceps push ups (hands narrower, keeping elbows close to your sides)/triceps dips (using a chair, bench or sofa)
B (lower body): 20 squats, 20 pulse squats or 20 walking lunges
C (conditioning): 200m run, 50 mountain climbers or 10 squat thrusts
D (explosive movements): 10 squat jumps, or 10 burpees
E (static hold): 60 second plank or plank variation
I hope you enjoy the workouts, and if you want some help with your training then please feel free to Apply for coaching today.