Bodyweight workouts for busy days!

On extra-busy weeks like these, I fall back on my tried-and-tested bodyweight workouts to stay on top of my fitness and movement goals. There is ALWAYS something you can do, even with a tiny floor (or garden) area and just a few minutes to spare.

Here are my top-5 bodyweight exercises.

1) Air squats:

Stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width, and squat down – don’t cheat yourself on depth! Have your hands on your hips, at your chest, or on top of your head (just don’t use them to push off your thighs). Make them harder by adding a kick to each rep.

2) Push ups:

Keep your body straight and look slightly ahead. If you need to, do press ups on your knees (but always try one or two full press ups, that’s how you make progress). Make it harder by releasing your hands from the floor momentarily at the bottom of each rep.

3) Walk downs:

Walk downs an excellent exercise for getting all your major muscle groups fired up. They are also one of the best bodyweight exercises around for a muscle that is often overlooked: the hamstrings. Hamstring strength is something you need to work on in order to stay mobile, be able to pick things up and easily carry out everyday tasks pain free.

4) Mountain climbers: 

A great way to combine upper body and core strength with cardio. Get into a plank position and drive one knee into your chest, then the other. Go as fast as you can without losing good form.

5) Supermans

The superman exercise is an excellent addition to any workout, as it engages the whole body. It’s an exercise recommended for those looking to improve their posture, who suffer from back pain, or who sit at a desk slumped over all day.

Give these bodyweight exercises a go! If you’re not sure how to combine them into a training session, email me and I’ll send you a link to a video workout. 

Coach Joseph Webb.

‘The number one rated Personal Trainer In Henley and Oxfordshire’

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