Liz went from broken to unbreakable in 90 days

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Life Was Tough

The last few years have been tough on Liz – physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Some people would crumble, and let their health fall to the bottom of the heap.

Not Liz.

Liz chose to get strong – and came out the other side ready for anything.

A Terrible Accident Followed By A Marriage Breakdown

In 2017, a nasty skiing accident left Liz needing several rounds of surgery and a lot of physio.

In fact, she had to learn to walk again.

Then her marriage broke down.

Liz decided it was time to make herself truly strong –

not just to support her rehabilitation, but to help her cope with the extreme stress of divorce.

From Broken To Unbreakable

This is how Personal Training helped Liz gain the most valuable thing of all: unshakeable self-confidence.

“The ski accident hit me hard,” she explains.

“I had to have several surgeries, and recovery took ages.

My 1-year-old learned to walk before I did!

After the most recent surgery, I felt rubbish about myself. I’d been comfort eating,

and hadn’t been able to drive anywhere to get out.

It Was Very Isolating

Recovery was incredibly frustrating, and it affected me emotionally.”

Liz found herself going through a difficult divorce at the same time.

“It was sink or swim,” she says. “I decided to swim.”

Liz knew she had to take control of her fitness if she was going to have the energy to look after her three children alone.

She found us on Facebook and booked a consultation.

“I knew getting fit again would hurt at first,” she says, “but it was important – for me and for my children.

The Timing Was Right

I needed to up my game to cope with a new set of personal circumstances.

I was determined to be the best version of me – despite the worst things in life happening.”

Liz was looking for a local Personal Trainer who could help her take control of the situation.

“As soon as I met Joe I knew he was the right person,” she said.

“He listened, and there was a natural rapport.

He had confidence in me, and I trusted him – which was essential.

I knew he could help me get through this.

“Joe is so much more than a fitness coach.

He’s been like a life coach to me.

It was the best thing I could have done at such a difficult time in my life.”

Liz Had Three Clear Goals When She Started

To improve her body shape, regain her body confidence, and be able to run again.

She signed up for three months, but we spread the sessions over five months to incorporate her childrens’ summer holidays.

So she started with us in April 2019, and we had our final session in October 2019.

“I knew I wouldn’t be able to get to a gym,” says Liz.

“Joe comes to the house, and designs sessions we can do inside or in the garden.

I don’t have to think about childcare or travel time.

Inspiring My Children

“Having a trainer at home meant the children could see me getting stronger.

My eldest was always impressed when he saw me putting boxing gloves on!

It’s important to show them Mums can do sport – it’s not just a man’s role.”

Our 12-week Personal Training programme is more than personalised 1-2-1 home workouts.

Learning How To Eat Properly

We also help clients get to grips with the nutrition part of the puzzle, educating with the real-life strategies for busy people.

We don’t do diets, but we teach clients how to plan meals, eat the right amount, and even how to do a healthier supermarket shop!

“I already knew about nutrition, but definitely needed help with portion sizes,” says Liz.

“Joe helped me get into good habits, and start thinking about what I eat.

With him, it’s never about dieting or a short term fix.

Joe taught me habits that are part of my lifestyle now.

Enjoying The Physical Challenge

“The training was tough but I really did enjoy it.

I started seeing physical changes very quickly, and when I could go off on my first 5K run it was all worth it.

We had great fun.

He let me get all my emotions out and have a rant if I needed to.”

On the surface, Liz started Personal Training for physical reasons. And she did get fitter, stronger, and slimmer. But the most significant gains for Liz were in her mental strength.

Finding Myself Again

“Before I started training with Joe, I simply wasn’t my best me.

My children have more energy than I know what to do with.

Well, now I can do it all. I have energy for the children, I am a good role model,

and I’ve come out of my divorce feeling strong, not physically and emotionally weak.

I wanted to show my children that you make your own luck, whatever life throws at you. I took charge of my fitness, and it helped me take control of life.”

The Doctors Jaw Dropped

Liz achieved all of her goals, and astounded her medical team in the process.

As you can see from her photos, she changed shape.

She’s fitter than she has been in years, and is back running again.

“It’s given me the boost I needed,” she says.

Liz is due to have more surgery on her leg, but her recovery will be faster because she is so much stronger now.

“I actually miss my training sessions,” she laughs.

“But I am confident that I can get back to that level of discipline any time I need to. The healthy habits are bedded in.”

The Strength To Take on Any Challenge

Being fit and strong is giving Liz the resilience she needs to get through one of the most challenging times of her life.

“I still need more surgery,” she explains. “And my three children always need me.

Some days I am simply exhausted.

But the habits Joe teaches help keep me focused.

I can go out for a run to clear my head, and make myself healthy meals instead of bad food choices.”

Focussed On The Future

Liz is looking ahead to a bright and exciting future.

She wants to run a 10K, and is going to start a specialised weightlifting course to build more upper body strength.

In 2019 she will put her home on the market, move house, finalise her divorce, and have more surgery on her leg.

But she’s feeling strong about it all.

More Than Personal Training

“What Joe has helped me cope with a difficult period of my life” she says.

“I have healthy habits in place and I can look after myself as well as my children.

It’s amazing how much Personal Training gives you

much more than I ever expected!”

If you want to get your mind and body stronger – whatever life throws at you –

Get In Touch Today.

Coach Joseph Webb.

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